Saturday, September 4, 2010

Life is good!

We've moved our furniture in! It is a complete mess but we are loving it! Not even close to being finished with the house but at least we sleep in our room, on a real mattress sitting on a real bed frame. Life is good.

2 weeks ago! This scene made me start crying... I've missed my furniture so much!

After we moved everything in, Russ went to the piano first. This is a picture I snapped without him knowing it. Another tear jerker... I love when he plays!

Living room - furniture has already been moved around several times!

Russ's shop a complete mess while working on the countertop for our island.

Here is the most massive countertop I've ever seen! It is so awesome!

First coat of finish!

We took a quick trip to Atlanta last weekend for the Wood Workers Fair. (Yes, you read that correctly. Remember, I am married to the next star on "This Old House.") Stopped at IKEA (heart) and came home with this iron bed for the guest room! Love, love, love!

This was my first Saturday morning waking up in my house with furniture! I had to take some pics to remember this moment! Here is the guest room - you can see the island counter top leaning against the window. We are hoping to have the island in place by the end of this weekend.

My real bed and real mattress after getting out of bed this morning!

Last night I picked out the legs for our island from a magazine picture. When I woke up I headed to the shop to find my husband making them. He is most awesome!!


Weslynn said...

Inspired, once again! You guys are awesome, and I love the bed you got from Ikea! So excited for you that you now have your furniture back.

Heather said...

Elizabeth, I don't know if you remember me from school, but I have been looking at y'alls progress and I am so happy for you! Hope things are going well.
Heather Bischoff (Venters now)