Friday, October 2, 2009

Back in business.

We are officially back from Hilton Head and back to working on the house. We had a fab time while we were gone but are both happy to be home too. We put some of the plywood on the side of the house last night so it is starting to look different! The walls are closing in! I didn't have my camera with me but here are some pictures from a couple of nights ago.

Looking down the hall from the kitchen/living room to our bedroom at the end of the hall. Guest bath is on the left and guest bedroom is on the right.

Looking into the living room from the front door. The kitchen is the back part of this big room. The dining room is to the immediate left and the laundry room is that back room with the door into the kitchen.

Back porch framed up and ready for posts and roof!

A look from above! And, yes, that is the tub in the guest bathroom! We had to frame it in with the house.

The WONDERFUL lift that some friends let us borrow! It is helping tremendously!

TJ and Russ taking a ride. T is scared to death of going too high!

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