Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hate crime or just bad driving?

We've had a mail box out front for a long while now. That way we didn't have to change our S'ville address to R's parents and then change it to our address. Well, we got a call from our good friend Vic the other day saying that our mail box was in the middle of the road... When I got there, the mail box post was broken in half and I couldn't save the box itself. I hope we can chalk this up to bad driving and not someone "welcoming" us to the neighborhood! Here are a few pictures of the damage.

On to more exciting things! We put up roof trusses last night! It was very exciting to see it at the end of the night. Here are some pictures of our progress.

Our roof on the ground.

Russ and Mr. D putting up the first one!

7 trusses up by the end of the night.

1 comment:

Carolina Girl said...

The roof!! Yay!

Wow, your mailbox really took a beating, huh? I'm sure it was just bad driving.